Tap Kitchen Sink

Genoa Chrome Monobloc Kitchen Sink Mixer Tap Versatile Sprung Dual Spray Head

Genoa Chrome Monobloc Kitchen Sink Mixer Tap Versatile Sprung Dual Spray Head

Genoa Chrome Monobloc Kitchen Sink Mixer Tap Versatile Sprung Dual Spray Head
Genoa chrome kitchen sink mixer tap. The detachable spout is on a flexible coil encased hose.

Dual function switch between spray & filler spout head. This versatile spout makes the tap ideal for preparing food and rinsing off dishes as well as the regular washing up. Fitted with a durable ceramic disc valve. The monobloc style means it will fit a single sink tap hole. Easy to diy fittings and flexible tap tails are included.

The recommended minimum pressure requirement is 1 Bar. Not suitable for use on low pressure/gravity fed systems. Supplied here in a stunning, polished chrome finish on heavy brass body.

There is no weighted hose extension under the counter, simple versatility.
Genoa Chrome Monobloc Kitchen Sink Mixer Tap Versatile Sprung Dual Spray Head